Variable reordering strategies for SLAM Pratik Agarwal and Edwin Olson 2.5 I. I NTRODUCTION Graph-based SLAM methods are becoming increasingly popular for mapping problem in robotics. In these approaches, each robot pose is represented as a node in the graph and each constraint as an edge. This approach was first proposed by Lu and Milios using the classic least squares formulation [1]. Their approach required the inversion of the full (dense) covariance matrix which is too expensive to √ compute for even modestly sized problems. SAM showed that instead of the expensive matrix inversion, sparse matrix factorization with an efficient variable reordering could be used to solve the least squares SLAM formulation in a tractable way even for large problems [2]. It proposed using a sparse Cholesky or QR decomposition with column approximate minimum degree (COLAMD) variable reordering [3]. Variable reordering is equivalent to row and column exchanges on a matrix. A good variable reordering helps increase the sparsity structure of the factorized matrix. Different reordering techniques produce different sparsity structure, but all of them try to minimize fill-in. Reordering has a direct impact on the fill-in caused by matrix factorization, which affects the solve time for SLAM problems. The fact that affects of variable reordering algorithms have not been investigated despite their critical role in graph SLAM algorithms motivates this work. The central contributions of this paper are: 1) We evaluate existing state of the art variable reordering strategies on standard SLAM benchmarks. 2) We propose an easy to implement reordering strategy that yields competitive performance. The authors are affiliated with the department of Computer Science and Engineering, University of Michigan, 2260 Hayward Street, Ann Arbor, Michigan. {pratikag,ebolson} EMD BHAMD AMD COLAMD J T COLAMD J J METIS NESDIS time in seconds 2 1.5 1 0.5 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 1.2 1.4 1.6 1.8 2 Number of nodes 2.2 4 x 10 (a) Reorder time 12 EMD BHAMD AMD COLAMD J T COLAMD J J METIS NESDIS 10 time in seconds Abstract— State of the art methods for state estimation and perception make use of least-squares optimization methods to perform efficient inference on noisy sensor data. Much of this efficiency is achieved by using sparse matrix factorization methods. The sparsity structure of the underlying matrix factorization which makes these optimization methods tractable is highly dependent on the choice of variable reordering; but there has been no systematic evaluation of reordering methods in the SLAM community. In this paper we evaluate the performance of various reordering techniques on benchmark SLAM data sets and provide definitive recommendations based on our results. We also compare these state of the art algorithms against our simple and easy to implement algorithm which achieves comparable performance. Finally, we provide empirical evidence that few gains remain with respect to variants of minimum degree ordering. 8 6 4 2 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 1.2 1.4 Number of nodes 1.6 1.8 2 2.2 4 x 10 (b) Solve time Fig. 1: Reorder and solve time for different variable reordering methods. Results shown for simulated grid world data sets containing 2000 to 20000 nodes with an average node degree of 3. AMD and COLAMD J compute reordering quicker than other algorithms. METIS and NESDIS have the least solve time. Solve time for COLAMD J T J is worse than all the algorithms. 3) We provide evidence showing that few gains remain with respect to variants of minimum degree ordering. 4) We provide definitive recommendation for choosing a particular reordering given a SLAM graph. II. BACKGROUND This paper investigates the sparsity of the matrices that result from formulating SLAM as a least-squares problem. We begin by showing the origin of these matrices. A. Non linear SLAM using matrix factorization Each edge (constraint) in a SLAM graph is a set of simultaneous equations f that relates a set of state variables x to some observed quantity z. The difference between the observed and the predicted value of an observation is the residual ri . These constraints are generally associated with an uncertainty covariance Σ. Scaling the residual by the constraint’s confidence Σ−1 results in the χ2 error. i i (a) Simple 5 robot SLAM graph (b) Matrix structure using default ordering χ2 = (zi − fi (x))Σ−1 (zi − fi (x)) i i (1) The observation equations are non-linear due to the effect of rotation. We can linearize fi around the current estimate x0 , as fi (x) ≈ fi (x0 ) + Ji (x − x0 ) where Ji is the Jacobian. Substituting ri = zi − fi (x0 ) and d = (x − x0 ), we obtain: χ2 ≈ i (Ji d − ri )T Σ−1 (Ji d − ri ) i (2) If we stack the Ji and ri matrix, and create a blockdiagonal matrix from the Σ−1 matrices, we can write: i χ2 ≈ (Jd − r)T Σ−1 (Jd − r) (4) The solution to such a system can be found through a QR decomposition. Alternatively we can form the normal equations by multiplying both sides with J T L: J T Σ−1 Jd = J T Σ−1 r Ax = b Fig. 2: A simple example showing the effects of reordering. Fig. 2(b) shows the matrix structure using original ordering. Fig. 2(c) shows the matrix structure after reordering. Reordering helped in the second case reduced fill in. (3) The maximum likelihood solution can be obtained my minimizing χ2 , with Σ−1 = LLT , this over-constrained system of equations can be written as: LT Jd = LT r (c) Matrix structure using a different ordering. The blue boxes show the sparse structure obtained due to reordering. (5) The matrix J T Σ−1 J is the information matrix, which we will generally refer to as A in this paper. A is square and symmetric, with dimensions equal to the number of unknowns and the solution to the system can be found through a Cholesky decomposition. In contrast, J is tall and skinny: the number of rows in J is equal to the number of equations or edges in the graph and number of columns is equal to number of variables or nodes. In both the case of QR and Cholesky factorization, performance is largely dictated by the sparsity of both the input (J or A) and the sparsity of the resulting factorization. The sparsity of the factorization depends on the ordering of the variables. We illustrate the dependence of variable ordering in the next section. B. Variable Reordering Variable reordering has been an active area of research in the field of Graph theory and sparse linear algebra. An efficient variable reordering can help the QR or Cholesky decomposition by minimizing the fill-in (see Fig. 3). Consider a simple example as shown in Fig. 2(a). It consists of a SLAM graph with 5 poses and 6 edges. The green edges are odometry edges while red edges are loop closure edges. Fig. 2(b) shows the sparsity structure of the Jacobian matrix J and the matrix representing normal equations A. Each matrix column is labeled with the corresponding pose number. L is the result of factorizing A using a Cholesky decomposition. (This L is distinct form the one in Eqn. 4) Notice however the L factor is fully dense. Now lets consider a different ordering of variables shown in Fig. 2(c). The reordered Jacobian and normal equations represent exactly the same problem: we have simply changed the order of the variables and equations. Critically, the sparsity structure of Lr is better than that of L: reordering J helped reduced fill-in. The goal of reordering algorithms is to minimize fill-in for L, speeding up the factorization process. We can use permutation matrix P to transform between A and Ar . Permutation matrix are square binary matrices with exactly one entry 1 in each column and 0s elsewhere. Multiplying a matrix by a permutation matrix reorders the columns and rows. Since permutation matrices are orthogonal, their inverse is equal to their transpose. This trivially these variants including EMD itself. III. VARIABLE ORDERING METHODS A. Exact Minimum degree ordering EMD is based on the observation that, when a variable is eliminated, a clique is formed between its neighbors. Each of the edges in this clique contributes to fill-in. Thus, the exact minimum degree ordering aims to minimize fill in by forming the smallest possible clique at each step. Algorithm 1 Exact Minimum Degree 1: 2: (a) csw dataset fill-in 3: 4: 5: (b) Intel dataset fill-in Fig. 3: Reordering helps to reduce fill-in. Top rows in each sub-figure shows the unordered matrix representing the normal equations (for csw and Intel dataset) and the corresponding lower triangular Cholesky factorized matrix. The bottom rows show the reordered matrix and the corresponding Cholesky factorized matrix. The fill-in for the reordered matrix is much smaller due to a good reordering. allows to recover the solution to the original problem. If Xr is the solution to P (A)xr = P b, x = P T xr Reordering methods try to find a permutation matrix P which maximizes the sparsity in L. Different reordering techniques do not change the solution but generate different sparsity patterns. Unfortunately, computing a reordering which minimizes fill-in is NP-complete1 [4]. Exact Minimum Degree (EMD) is widely used as a heuristic to minimize fill-in [5]. Various variants of EMD have been developed which are much faster than EMD itself, but achieve this due to approximations. In the next section we describe some of 1 It is somewhat entertaining that matrix inversion is roughly O(n3 ), and the purpose of variable ordering is to reduce the run-time. However, we discover an NP-hard problem, which is harder than the original problem we set out to solve! Fortunately, an optimal variable ordering is not required; great gains can be obtained even with an imperfect ordering. while variable nodes remain do Choose a node y with minimum node degree remove node y from the graph add edges between all of y’s neighbors end while EMD greedily picks the best degree node at each step; it does not “plan ahead” and thus does not generally produce the optimal fill-in for reducing ordering. Empirically however, it performs well. The order in which the nodes are eliminated is used for reordering the matrix. The pseudocode is shown in Alg. 1. The following reordering algorithms are variants of the exact minimum degree algorithm. • Approximate minimum degree ordering (AMD) [6] • Column approximate minimum degree algorithm (COLAMD) [3] • Nested Dissection (NESDIS) [7] • Serial Graph Partitioning and Fill-reducing Matrix Ordering (METIS) [8] • Bucket Heap AMD (BHAMD) These algorithms are modifications of the Alg. 1 for faster computation, either using approximations or intelligent datastructures. The first three methods are state of the art sparse reordering algorithms available as a sparse matrix library – SuiteSparse [7]. METIS is available separately or through SuiteSparse. We additionally propose BHAMD as a simple alternative to these methods with comparable performance. We first summarise the existing reordering techniques and then go on to describe our implementation of BHAMD. B. Approximate minimum degree ordering AMD approximates EMD in line 4 of Alg. 1. EMD updates the node degree values of uneliminated node exactly after each elimination. AMD on the other hand computes an upper bound on this value. It uses a heuristic to determine if the node degree of a node needs to be updated even though its neighbor was eliminated. The heuristics are based on active submatrix and worst case fill-in. C. Column approximate minimum degree ordering COLAMD is an approximate reordering algorithm optimized for non-symmetrical matrices. While AMD operates only on symmetric matrices, COLAMD generates the column permutations without explicitly computing the normal equations. This is especially helpful for QR factorization where the normal equations are never created. Though COLAMD was developed for non-symmetric matrices, it can also be used to order symmetric matrices. It is one of the reordering algorithms available to CHOLMOD, which is SuiteSparse’s sparse Cholesky solver [9]. The use of √ COLAMD was first suggested by SAM and was later also used in used in iSAM1.0 [10]. D. Reordering methods based on Graph partitioning METIS and NESDIS are both graph partitioning based reordering schemes [8]. They use the same graph partitioner but different minimum degree reordering on each subpartition. METIS includes a reordering routine called METIS NodeND. It first recursively partitions the graph and then computes a minimum degree ordering on each partition. METIS uses its own variant of minimum degree to reorder each partitioned subgraph. NESDIS is the reordering strategy based on graph partitioners provided by SuiteSparse. It computes the partitions using METIS and then uses Constrained Column Approximate Min Degree ordering (CCOLAMD) to compute the ordering of individual partitions. In CCOLAMD, constraints can be added to specify specific elimination order. Certain nodes can be constrained to be eliminated before or after others. NESDIS uses CCOLAMD to specify that the partition nodes are to be eliminated only after all nodes in the subgraph partitioned by it are eliminated. CCOLAMD has been used in iSAM2.0 to specify that recent variables are to be eliminated last [11]. E. BHAMD BHAMD, our variant of EMD, allows eliminating multiple nodes in a single iteration using heaps. A simple implementation using heaps, initializes the heap with all the nodes ordered by node degree. At each step, we extract the node with minimum node degree, eliminate it, and update its neighbors. This would be inefficient for a graph with a large number of nodes. Updates and reinsertion would scale logarithmically with the number of nodes. Instead, we initialize the heap with lists where each list is a bucket of nodes. Each bucket contains nodes with the same node degree. At each iteration, we extract the list form the heap, with minimum node degree. This list contains putative nodes whose node degree may have changed since last insertion due to other nodes getting eliminated. Hence we evaluate each node in that bucket. Nodes whose true node degrees are equal to or less than the current minimum are eliminated as shown in Alg. 2. If not, the node is inserted back into a list containing nodes of equivalent node degree into the heap. The advantage of BHAMD over EMD is being able to eliminate multiple nodes in a single search step. IV. E XPERIMENTAL E VALUATION A. Experiments and Datasets We evaluated 6 reordering techniques discussed previously on standard SLAM datasets. In all of our evaluations, we Fig. 4: Elimination pattern for w10000 data set using BHAMD. The x axis represents the number of heap queries. At each query a list is eliminated. y axis shows the statistics of each list in the heap. The total number of elements at any point in the heap does not cross 45 even though we begin with 10000 nodes. It also shows the maximum node degree for the last node eliminated is little less 160. Algorithm 2 BHAMD 1: 2: 3: 4: 5: 6: 7: 8: 9: 10: 11: 12: 13: 14: create a set of lists where each list contains nodes with equal number of neighbors add all lists into a min heap - MH while MH is not empty do bestList = getMinList from MH min = MH.getMinKey for each node nd in bestList do if nd.nodeDegree ≤ min then remove nd add pairwise edges between neighbors of nd else update nd.nodeDegree and push it back into the correct list end if end for end while have shown the results of using COLAMD both with J and with J T J. We compare the time required to reorder, factor and solve the graph. For all of these methods, a symbolic matrix was created to exploit the block structure of the constraints. A symbolic matrix encodes the sparsity pattern of a matrix without encoding the literal values. In short, each value in the symbolic matrix is a boolean encoding whether the value is zero or non-zero. In the SLAM domain, we additionally collapse variable nodes that are closely related, such as the x, y, and theta variables associated with a 2D robot pose [2]. By collapsing these nodes, we reduce the storage requirements and computational costs of computing an ordering. Reorder time corresponds to time spent computing the variable reordering while solve time is the time to compute the sparse Cholesky decomposition. Total time includes Fig. 5: Reorder, solve and total time on the MAGIC multi robot datasets. Note: Scales are different across figures. Fig. 6: Reorder, solve and total time on benchmark datasets. The y axis shows time in seconds. The same results are tabulated on the next page. Some bars are truncated to show details. All numerical results are available in Fig. 7 reorder, solve and other miscellaneous operations such as code instrumentation, creating the symbolic matrix and unpermuting the solution. These require similar time across all methods. The values shown are averaged over 10 runs. All our tests were run on Intel core i7 computer using the sparse Cholesky solver in April Robotics Toolkit (ART) [12]. The SuiteSparse libraries were interfaced with ART using Java Native Interface bindings. the csw dataset) [13], world10000 [14], City10000 and CityTree10000 [10]. We created new simulated grid world datasets with varying numbers of nodes. Real-world datasets include Victoria park, Intel [15] and Killian Court [16]. These real world data sets are preprocessed by a front end to generate loop closures. We have also included graphs from our MAGIC datasets, including large multi-robot graphs [17]. C. Variable ordering optimization B. Datasets For our evaluation, we have used standard simulated datasets such as the Manhattan3500 (also known as Given a variable ordering, it is interesting to ask whether that ordering can be incrementally improved. In other words, are the variable orderings computed by minimum-degree (a) csw (b) Intel (c) w10000 (d) City10000 (e) Killian Court (f) Victoria Park (g) CityTree10000 Algorithm csw Intel w10000 City10000 Killian Court Victoria Park CityTrees10000 P, E, N 3500,5598,3.2 875,15605,35.7 10000,64311,12.86 10000,20687,4.14 1462,6571,8.98 7120,10608,2.98 10100,14442,2.86 EMD BHAMD AMD METIS NESDIS COLAMDJ COLAMDJ T J 68, 84, 178 8, 109, 148 7, 79, 114 18, 89, 132 22, 173, 247 3, 82, 113 7, 214, 250 31, 398, 524 30, 439, 564 11, 344, 455 16, 827, 1087 16, 258, 362 7, 314, 417 12, 701, 811 477, 940, 1757 91, 1195, 1645 36, 855, 1269 31, 985, 1366 42, 930, 1334 43, 1440, 2019 40, 4285, 4718 663, 1277, 2052 81, 1253, 1439 27, 838, 967 63, 706, 876 76, 872, 1078 15, 1042, 1167 24, 2746, 2883 40, 54, 44, 43, 42, 49, 53, 267, 68, 389 10, 76, 138 16, 75, 143 24, 78, 154 38, 89, 181 7, 70, 129 13, 495, 561 360, 132, 562 16, 133, 219 21, 135, 225 37, 191, 294 45, 146, 250 10, 129, 209 39, 4168, 4353 183493 194769 178151 204128 193519 181161 299219 303679 314444 275713 281152 260179 268261 412798 1306555 1386612 1202455 1412363 1307333 1304646 2567700 1147945 1183202 1026152 1028779 1007935 1083914 1957268 93195 105408 96928 97895 94302 100437 107729 202252 207378 207321 228574 226262 203441 510184 290428 290587 303743 369146 333494 290435 808918 0.82 0.08 0.10 0.20 0.13 0.04 0.03 0.08 0.07 0.03 0.02 0.06 0.03 0.02 0.51 0.08 0.04 0.03 0.05 0.03 0.01 0.52 0.06 0.03 0.09 0.09 0.02 0.01 0.24 0.09 0.10 0.14 0.17 0.06 0.08 3.88 0.14 0.21 0.31 0.44 0.11 0.03 2.73 0.12 0.16 0.20 0.31 0.08 0.01 9, 4, 4, 6, 7, 3, 4, 80 92 81 83 82 86 90 NZ fill-in EMD BHAMD AMD METIS NESDIS COLAMDJ COLAMDJ T J Reorder/solve EMD BHAMD AMD METIS NESDIS COLAMDJ COLAMDJ T J Fig. 7: Comparison of various reordering algorithms on standard SLAM datasets (P:number of poses, E:number of edges, N:average node degree). The top section shows the reorder, solve, total time in ms, taken by each algorithm for each data set. The middle section shows the fill-in in L after decomposition and the bottom section shows the ratio between reorder and solve time. COLAMDJ T J has maximum fill-in and worst solve time. algorithms approximately locally optimal? Or, conversely, could small additional changes result in significantly better variable orderings? In some cases, a variable ordering algorithm makes fairly arbitrary choices: there may be several variables that have the same degree. Different variants might select amongst these differently, with different long-term consequences to fill-in. Are some tie-breaking strategies better than others? To explore this question, we generated minimum-degree orderings using AMD, then iteratively attempted to improve the orderings. In a framework resembling a genetic search, we randomly permuted pairs of variables and solved the resulting system, computing a fitness score as a function of the fill-in. The results of our experiments showed that only very small reductions in fill-in resulted from this optimization process. Of course, many permutations resulted in worse fill-in, but even the best fill-in was reduced by at most 0.5% as shown in Table I. This experiment provides evidence that small modifications to minimum-degree type variable ordering algorithms may not be able to achieve significant improvements. An experiment like this cannot be conclusive, but it does suggest that different ideas may be required to improve performance. Dataset Best nz improvement % csw 0.5 Intel 0.01 KillianCourt 0.3 TABLE I: Datasets where fill-in could be reduced using genetic search. V. C ONCLUSIONS Timing runs of all reordering algorithms on standard data sets as well as our new grid world datasets are shown in Fig. 1, Fig. 5, Fig. 6 and Fig. 7. We summarize the broad trends observed: 1) With the exception of COLAMD applied to J T J and EMD, the performance of the methods are comparable: They produce similar-quality variable reordering, and the variation in the computational time required to compute those orderings is generally very small in comparison to the solve time. 2) COLAMD with J T J produces a poor variable reordering, leading to significant fill-in and slow solve time: The second section in Fig. 7 shows that fill-in for COLAMD J T J is higher than that of other algorithms. It produces on an average more than 2 times the fill-in compared to other algorithms. Fig. 1(b) shows that the solve time for COLAMD J T J is much slower. COLAMD must be used only on the Jacobian and not on the normal matrix J T J. 3) BHAMD, despite its simplicity, is generally competitively in terms of computational time and the quality of the reordering: It is a viable option, particularly if the more complex packages are not available. 4) Further development of minimum-degree algorithm variants may not produce significant reductions in fill-in: Our attempts to search for better orderings than those computed by AMD consistently resulted in best-case reductions in fill-in of less than 0.5% VI. F INAL W ORDS In this paper, we compared reordering and solve times for various sparse matrix reordering algorithms on standard SLAM data sets, including simulated, real and multi robot graphs. We showed a simple algorithm like BHAMD, having comparative performance to state of the art methods. We provided empirical results which proved that small variations in minimum degree algorithms do not decrease fill-in drastically. R EFERENCES [1] F. 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