UM:SmartCarts is a for-credit class at the University of Michigan, with responsibilities and tasks structured on an individual student basis. Team members enroll for 4 units of graded (A-F) independent study (397-037, 497-037, or 597-037 depending on your academic standing). Do not enroll prior to receiving permission.

There will be weekly team meetings and assignments, though unlike a standard class where all students do the same work, students will work on different parts of the SmartCarts system. From a workload perspective, you can expect this class to be comparable to a laboratory class or MDE. In compensation for your effort, you'll be part of a high-profile team building something amazing here at UM.

To join our team, you must first apply. We are looking for a mix of technical backgrounds (computer science, control systems, operations engineering, human-computer interfaces, etc.) and experience levels, though we expect the bulk of our members will be experienced graduate students.

To apply, send the following materials to :

We will respond as quickly as we are able to, but you should enroll for classes this fall assuming that you are not offered a position.